Frank Bolton – Vice-President 2024 – Current

Frank Bolton is the Vice President of RevitalizeDIP (2024 – Current)

Frank is a U.S. Army Veteran and has worked in the Architectural, Engineering and Construction Industries since 1976. He has lived in the DIP community since childhood. Frank and his wife Cheryl continue to live on the parkway after raising two daughters in the community.

During his career he has worked in providing construction documents, production management, marketing, sales, and consulting for military, civil, industrial, commercial and residential clients.

In 1976 Frank enlisted in the U.S. Army as a Combat Draftsman. His assignments included Fort Dix, New Jersey; Fort Belvoir, Virginia; Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands; and Fort Carson, Colorado.

He was awarded the U.S. Army Humanitarian Mission Medal in 1980 for his 8.5 month temporary duty assignment at the Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands Atomic Debris Cleanup Mission. During the three year mission he was a draftsman with S-3 (Operations) Headquarters Company of the 84th Engineer Battalion.

In 2012, Frank started reconnecting with Atomic Cleanup Mission Veterans and initiated a social media and internet campaign to reconnect with fellow veterans and begin legislation to change Federal Title 38 so participants of the mission could qualify for VA Healthcare Benefits for exposure to ionizing radiation at Enewetak Atoll. In 2022, Federal Legislators and the President signed into law the PACT Act, a Toxic Laws Act for Veterans, which opened the door for military veterans to qualify for VA healthcare assistance.

When Yvette Young decided to create a community action group for the DIP Community in 2018, Frank attended several RevitalizeDIP meetings and began posting her efforts on Facebook to get more community involvement. Yvette’s influence in the community was obvious when a District 3 meeting had to move to a larger room when over 200 residents attended the meeting (on a rainy night) in addition to the 25 residents who usually attended. In 2022, RevitalizeDIP Board Members invited Frank to become RevitalizeDIP’s Social Media Manager.

Frank has since created the website and began maintaining it, along with various social networks, to inform and encourage community involvement in RevitalizeDIP activities.

Currently Frank is focusing on increasing social media and internet public relations about #RevitalizeDIP activities and efforts to improve the Dauphin Island Parkway Peninsula to the community he remembers from his childhood in the 1960s.

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