CJ Small District 3 1/12/24 Newsletter

Happy Friday District 3,

I hope this email finds you in great health and high spirits!

On January 5, I joined Councilman Cory Penn, Mayor Sandy Stimpson, Executive Director of Public Safety Robert Lasky and a host of family, friends, and colleagues in officially welcoming Chief Johnny Morris, Jr. as the new leader of our Mobile Fire & Rescue Department.

On behalf of the Mobile City Council, I expressed deep gratitude for Morris’ unwavering commitment, unmatched passion, and undeniable vigor for serving our city.

Morris, who most recently served as MFRD Chief of Staff, played an integral role in making MFRD one of only nine fire departments in the nation with an Insurance Services Office ISO-1 rating, Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) accreditation and Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) accreditation.

Congratulations, Chief Morris, and best wishes for a tenure filled with accomplishments and advancements in the service of our community!

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