Love Your Community Litter Campaign 2023

From the posts of Yvette Young, President of #RevitalizeDIP:

RevitalizeDIP will continue their efforts to clean up DIP by continuing to participate in the Love Your Community Litter Campaign for 2023. By picking up litter we earn funds for beautification projects within the community.

2022, we were able to give a refresh to the Gulfdale Promenade and are still planning an additional extensive project in the community that requires some details and collaboration.

Thus far this year we’ve already had residents in the community picking up litter and providing their photos and amount of litter picked up. Upon receipt I report to the Love Your Community teamsite, where our efforts are reviewed and approved, ultimately leading to our goal of $1,500.00.

Please be advised any/all students that participate earn community service hours.

We will ensure to provide community service forms for each student that participate. This is a great way to clean up the community and the students an opportunity to learn the importance of do not litter.

Thank you to the continued efforts of the BC Rain JROTC, Sue Cato Winter, Paula Jacobs, Elaine Galloway and to our new litter advocates precious Everett and Jacob Nipper.

We will continue our efforts all year long, along with an annual clean up. Like years past, you may pick up litter any time, any place, please ensure to let us know how many people helped, how long, number of bags, photos and the area you cleaned up.


Donate your time, resources, and/or funds to help us #RevitalizeDIP by contacting us:

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