2022… Looking Back on the Year’s Events

2022… Looking Back on the Year’s Events

A glimpse actually. A glimpse of what was accomplished, shared, inspired and planned to #Revitalize our Dauphin Island Parkway Community in 2022.

These posts are only samples of the wonderful people who are taking action to revitalize our community.

#RevitalizeDIP is not the only community action group working to improve our peninsula community. We have a policy of working with other groups that have similar ideals . Many of these groups have been working towards the same goals for much longer than #RevitalizeDIP, and that is why we collaborate and support them.

Here are some of the posts we found about our accomplishments in 2022, as well as what #RevitalizeDIP shared and supported from other groups and individuals:

[Please note: Some Facebook embed posts do not work. Our apologies. Most of those posts are included in the link above the error message.]

#RevitalizeDIP appreciates every single person who donated their time, energy, skills, and funds it took us to accomplish ALL TEN OF OUR GOALS in 2022.

We could not have achieved a single goal without your help! THANK YOU!!!

We look forward to continuing our successes into 2023. WE ARE STRONGER TOGETHER!

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